The Wellness Amplifier:

How One Owner Helped 100+ More Clients While Adding $26k in Monthly Revenue

This isn’t a strategy for every wellness clinic or spa owner.

It’s designed for those who already have an existing patient or client base (though a slightly different strategy has been used to grow new clinics and spas too), want to make a bigger impact AND take their revenue to the next level.
In fact, it’s the exact 3-step formula we used to help a clinic owner, Beth, add over $26,000 in new monthly revenue while helping 100+ more clients enjoy better wellness.
If you want to help more people AND earn more leveraged revenue while doing it,
then THIS is the strategy to do it.
If you want to expand your reach AND your revenue, keep reading.
Here is how Beth did it and how you can too:

The Wellness Amplifier Strategy:
Stop Treating In 1 Dimension (Do This Instead)








And more













Each private session provides a relaxing and luxurious experience plus proven wellness benefits like:

So you get the benefit of offering luxury, relaxation and wellness at the same time.
And the HOCATT can service 1 client per hour without extra staffing, maximizing revenue potential.
So Beth ordered her HOCATT unit to leverage the power of 10.

Here's how she filled her calendar and added $26k in monthly revenue:

Once ordered, she emailed her existing client and prospect list announcing the new arrival. She highlighted the benefits and offered early booking promotions.
The email greeted clients and reminded them of the clinic’s commitment to their wellness. It briefly explained the HOCATT’s benefits like oxygen breathing. And it ended with a call to action to schedule a free session.

Next, Beth made a series of social media posts introducing the HOCATT. She offered free sessions for followers and drove excitement.

The posts introduced the technology, highlighted specific benefits, gave a sneak peek at how it works, showed what a session is like, and offered limited-time promotions. This built buzz and demand.

She also added a lead magnet on her website offering a HOCATT explainer video in exchange for emails.

Finally, she offered discounted session packages, with 10 sessions for $1000, and a free first session for new clients. 

This layered approach resulted in nearly full booking before the HOCATT even arrived! Beth had the entire investment paid off from pre-sales before day 1.

Now it’s your turn! Let’s see if you qualify to add HOCATT to your facility and start amplifying your impact & revenue! 

Additionally, she trained her staff on talking points to educate clients about the HOCATT when asked using a simple, but effective script they could make their own but tell a consistent story to the client with.

Now it’s your turn! Let’s see if you qualify to add HOCATT to your facility and start amplifying your impact & revenue! 

If you want to help more clients AND increase revenue without adding overhead, just book a roadmap plan call to make sure the Wellness Amplifier program is for you.

Don’t wait to make the impact you know you’re capable of. 


Download Our Wellness Amplifier Strategy Swipe File

What Is WGS (White Glove Service) Delivery?

WGS means that the delivery company will un-crate the unit for you. If you do not purchase WGS, you will need to un-crate the unit yourself.

PLEASE NOTE:  WGS is not included in the purchase price, unless pertinently stated otherwise, and will carry an additional cost. Should you wish to make use of WGS, please notify us on this form so that we may obtain a quotation for you prior to delivery.